I feel considerably better today. Not back to my usual self yet, by any stretch, but certainly better than I was yesterday. Here's hoping for a general trend upward. :)
Also... go hug a friend today. :) Just because you can.
Sun, 12:44: Should be on every business door. https://t.co/Gjb0Ze7fGo Sun, 12:44: RT @ DonryuArt: Dunno what’s left to do other sit down…
Sat, 12:20: RT @ kyuuoku: 🦊💕🐺(⚡️🕷️) #DreamWorks #TheBadGuys https://t.co/lZtuOKMjtH Sat, 12:54: Had my first close encounter with a…
Fri, 12:17: RT @ Aclippinger: Kickstarter's entire business model leaned pretty heavily on a userbase that constantly drops $1-50 repeatedly…