- Mon, 12:54: Hmmm... no. In the war between flat design and skeumorphism... my sword belongs to skeumorphism.
- Mon, 12:56: I think the most damning thing I can say about iOs 7 is... "It looks like Windows 8." Yuck.
- Mon, 14:02: *staggers out of a meeting, looking relieved* Deadline... moved back... alert levels... reduced to yellow...
- Mon, 14:06: RT @mlp_Fluttershy: Keep Calm and Flutter On.
- Mon, 14:19: RT @KyellGold: GOOD ADVICE TIME http://t.co/a60SsluxSs
- Mon, 14:53: Hey there! // RT @LadyMoonglo: Story of my life (also hi @the_gneech) https://t.co/x4hBKY252v
- Mon, 14:56: There... were no Cheetos in the vending machine. My hopes... crushed. :`(
- Mon, 15:00: RT @wired: Here's a handy guide to winged and feathered dinosaurs. You read that correctly. http://t.co/fIAapbfQCQ
- Mon, 15:20: RT @TheLizzieBean: This is why you should never leave your wireless printer unsecure http://t.co/lgrLGobNIi
- Mon, 15:42: Apropos of nothing, I miss Dungeon Magazine.
- Mon, 16:12: From the Gneechy Vault: The Day I Almost Changed My Mind http://t.co/HzmddEKJR6
- Mon, 16:20: I love that after his amnesia is fixed, Phoenix still has no idea who Winston Payne is. Now THAT'S comedy! #FunnierInContext
- Mon, 17:01: GOING HOME, I AM IN YOU! ...Gah. I can't ever get that right.
- Mon, 17:50: Ponies for Pathfinder. Because why not. Also ponies. http://t.co/gsNk4AOrtj
- Mon, 17:57: RT @ComedyCentral: Meanwhile, the Bizarro movie was critically acclaimed and tanked at the box office.
- Mon, 19:17: My cooking experiment for tonight. I hope @mlp_Spike will approve. http://t.co/Fm6PeQsLou
- Mon, 20:15: Verdict: Quite good around the edges, little tough in the middle. Probably needed more fanning. Will try @mlp_Spike's suggestion next time.
- Mon, 20:16: Went well with the crabcakes.
- Tue, 09:15: ...but I am le tired. -.-
- Tue, 09:37: Stephen Fry, the understanding barman. http://t.co/KbjF8CtlwD
- Tue, 09:42: .@GraveyardGreg, I'm looking at you. http://t.co/iG2PS4sT9z *loooooooooooooooks*
- Tue, 09:45: *has ALL the naps* // RT @MDMangi: so have a nap, ZEN FIRE ZE MISSILES!
- Tue, 10:04: Being Shaken Like a Chew Toy http://t.co/KRaNcslpkQ
- Tue, 11:12: This made me think of @lupinia's pho noodles. http://t.co/4tUjVTGvZw
- Tue, 11:36: o/` Whoa-oh! I'm an alien! I'm a legal alien! I'm an Englishman in New York! o/` #NotActuallyAnEnglishman #NotInNewYorkEither #WishIWas
- Tue, 11:51: Yes. // RT @WhatTheFrost: An Englishman or in New York?