- Thu, 13:24: Gah! Being attacked by piles of stupid! *punches the stupid until it explodes*
- Thu, 13:33: RT @CWF_Report: TORNADO SAFETY TIP: To keep your tornado safe, be sure to wrap it in layers of newspaper and that it is properly secured by…
- Thu, 14:07: RT @CWF_Report: TORNADO SAFETY TIP: Never get between a tornado and its cubs.
- Thu, 14:21: And so, the papers are signed, and Mom's house is sold. I'm going to collapse in a corner for a while. *thud*
- Thu, 14:38: Science Confirms: Internet Trolls Really Are Narcissistic, Psychpathic, and Sadistic. http://t.co/Jb8buwG5u6 ...in case you didn't know.
- Thu, 15:08: Dig it, it's an #InkyGirl generator. http://t.co/pZS38MpN1J
- Thu, 16:52: RT @Astilius: Noticed that in the last year sites about geek girl culture eg @TheMarySue are more interesting than the "mainstream". Long m…
- Thu, 18:08: o/` Let it go, let it go... o/`
- Fri, 07:26: "On the Starship Enterprise, under Captain Kirk!" //RT @RugbyKitt: "Star-Trekkin' across the universe!" :3
- Fri, 07:27: c/o @scalzi, have some cats set to "Walking On Sunshine." http://t.co/IgwzUybKUe
- Fri, 07:31: RT @Ally_Hallam: I just watched "They Might Be Giants" (1971). I liked it a lot, but I didn't get it. Which is how I feel about @tmbg a lot…
- Fri, 07:35: Boldly going forward 'cos we can't find reverse! http://t.co/6uhqCYEZL0
- Fri, 07:39: Well I'm at it... http://t.co/L8OzqpJKOf
- Fri, 08:00: Tom Beaker http://t.co/FdwRxj7Vv2
- Fri, 08:10: The poster tagline is awesome. http://t.co/2jPWlKvOFj
- Fri, 08:20: o/` Iiiiiiiiiiii am hooked on a feeeeeling! o/`
- Fri, 08:43: Get me, sitting at my desk, working on my comics and stuff like it's my real job and all.
- Fri, 09:33: RT @salenstormwing: @the_gneech You need a catch phrase then, like @TheRealStanLee. Like "NOT TO THE FACE!" #Professionalism
- Fri, 09:52: I want to move to a nice, sunny beach in Canada.
- Fri, 10:01: RT @mlp_Celestia: ---> SUNRISE! <---
- Fri, 10:01: RT @mlp_Celestia: ♫ 'Cause it's what my cutiemark is telling me… ♫
- Fri, 10:05: I'm too sexy for my shirt. Granted, it's a badly-fitting mock-turtleneck with grease stains all down the front, but still.
- Fri, 10:19: RT @AtariOtter: God, how I can relate to that... RT @sparf Problems... http://t.co/mHPimq0iIU
- Fri, 10:39: And then there was website. http://t.co/fI5dy5YV4m #SuburbanJungle #RoughHousing #webcomics
- Fri, 10:49: RT @innsmouthpress: Woman writing Lovecraft antho 50% funded! Join me in sharing this link and sharing an evil muahaha. http://t.co/N7OkmIm…
- Fri, 10:55: I'm hungry! Why isn't it lunchtime yet?
- Fri, 10:56: Wait... ANOTHER new Rarity? O.o
- Fri, 11:08: Heck with it, I'm having lunch. And maybe taking some time off this afternoon.
- Fri, 11:16: Officially and for the record, playing a mane or high-profile pony in the #TwitterPonies is a tough racket, and mad props to all of ya. :)
- Fri, 11:25: Trufax: @foalpapers is actually a very sweet guy, and only responsible for a little over half of the things in the #BlameFoalpapers hashtag.
- Fri, 11:31: Suddenly, thunderstorm! I blame @CWF_Report.