- Thu, 15:38: RT @TheOnion: Voters Glad They Got Hope In Politicians Out Of System For Next Election Cycle Or Two https://t.co/oQSdIdwZiS https://t.co/3Y…
- Thu, 15:40: At the doctor for followup on my broken foot. Would rather be playing #Overwatch but this is worth doing, I guess.
- Thu, 21:21: TFW someone killing you is play of the game. #Overwatch Won the match, tho. ;)
- Thu, 21:34: Three victories. Two with Lucio, one with Soldier76. XD
- Thu, 21:35: But they’re victories, I’ll take ‘em.
- Thu, 22:46: TOO SOON, STAYPUFT https://t.co/sESl0JWpg9
- Thu, 22:58: RT @mlp_spike: Whoever invented the snickerdoodle? One of my heroes. Cinnamon sugar in and on a butter cookie? Genius.
- Thu, 23:00: That's More Like It! https://t.co/dd04MFxp0Y
- Thu, 23:06: RT @tr1byron: And who doesn't want Jack Nicholson's Joker driving a VW bug w/baby Groot on top? Right? :) https://t.co/JGELGdso9g
- Thu, 23:06: RT @JElvisWeinstein: I'd put the triple parenthesis around my name but I'm pretty sure my initials tell the tale sufficiently.
- Thu, 23:33: Still riding the buzz of good games. ^.^ But I need to get me some sleep! So off to bed I go. G’nite world, have an awesome tomorrow. <3
- Fri, 09:56: “After all we’ve done for this city. Ungrateful little yuppie larvae!” #GhostbustersFriday
- Fri, 10:21: “¡Es bueno!” “Oh God!” https://t.co/f0fdxpV0TT
- Fri, 10:27: “Look, I’m just playing my character!” “Well play a different character that fits the game better instead.”
- Fri, 10:32: The entire original Star Trek (3 seasons, 2 animated seasons, 6 movies) on Blu-Ray. O.o https://t.co/KmrMORA53o #WANT #drool
- Fri, 10:37: RT @ShivaeStudios: Not through the first episode, but seriously, when you remake something old, this new Voltron is pretty close to RIGHT.
- Fri, 10:40: .@mlp_Pinkie knows the way to her friends’ hearts. It would also work on @multiclass_geek. https://t.co/QtW2NiZNH7
- Fri, 10:46: Ping @tabbiewolf https://t.co/TwibJlzo7E
- Fri, 11:09: You know Zootopia isn’t realistic ‘cos if Nick Wilde went into Tundratown he’d be constantly faceplanting into the snow. *sagenod*
- Fri, 11:11: Why do I love this so much? https://t.co/duwF74uXZt
- Fri, 11:16: …Whoa. O.o https://t.co/gioq2t53oa
- Fri, 11:35: RT @MarkRuffalo: Yo! DNC! Wake up! Democrats Will Learn All the Wrong Lessons From Brush With Bernie | Rolling Stone https://t.co/NZ37CUvg4z
- Fri, 12:11: RT @problogger: Are you a multi passionate like me? This is for you. #ProBlogSlides https://t.co/Ni4axtRuVg
- Fri, 12:12: RT @RumzRumz: :3c https://t.co/l7pAFORAnr
- Fri, 12:13: RT @AntarianRanger: I'll also point back to my firmly-held belief about D&D: 90% of peoples' D&D stories start with, "This one time, we tot…
- Fri, 12:14: RT @planet_lois: Jimmy is still going on about how persecuted gamers are. Jimmy still hasn't figured out how people keep spilling coffee on…
- Fri, 12:14: RT @planet_lois: HR called me in to discuss my alleged "abuse" of Olsen by stapler. I showed HR Olsen's twitter feed. I now have a $200/mt…
- Fri, 12:15: RT @RainierOunce: If I have to write "Please No Wildlife Selfies" into park policy I'm going to regrettably ask for a reason why Please don…
- Fri, 12:18: RT @bully_thelsb: i just READ the word "ducktales" and that song is now stuck in my head.
- Fri, 13:09: The weather is absurdly beautiful today. Well done, @CWF_Report and @mlp_Rainbow Dash!
- Fri, 13:12: I keep stopping to think and then forgetting to start again.
- Fri, 13:15: RT @warrenleightTV: Wealthy Teen Nearly Experiences Consequence https://t.co/Iyp4zjJ0xT via @theonion
- Fri, 13:49: Overybody talks about how annoying Tracer is. But honestly, other than the crocs, I think she’s fine. #Overwatch
- Fri, 14:02: Dammit video card! *shoots it*
- Fri, 14:05: Junkrat just pulled out a Guy Fawkes ref. XD #Overwatch